How big is the map?
The overworld, nether, and end are all 400k by 400k or +-200k from the origin (0,0).

Where and why is minor griefing allowed?
From 0-5000 and 195,000 to 200,000 griefing is completely allowed so that high priority places (the origin and border/corners) can be open and fought over in an unclaimed way. Between this, from 5001-195,000 major griefing is not allowed so that people can build and develop their bases safely. We respect builders and understand that game design makes it easier to destroy than build. The reason we allow for minor griefing, is to allow for the dragon egg to be searched for within someone’s base, as well as the minor stealing of placed objects (like a beacon) that is associated with raiding. This makes it so that you still need to be careful who you trust.

What can I take from someone’s base?
In general, if you come across someone’s base, you are able to take some things that you like. This includes items from chests and one (or maybe two) placed block(s) of high value like a beacon. This does not mean that you can completely empty someone’s chests of blocks they collected, but if they have an auto-farm of material you are going to use (for instance wool or gun powder) feel free to empty them out. With placed blocks, taking a beacon from someone’s base is no big deal, but if you take multiple beacons and their block pyramids then it becomes an issue.

How do I find the dragon egg?
Step 1) type /compass
Step 2) right click compass
Step 3) ????
Step 4) profit

My compass is being blocked by a mystical energy, how do I track the dragon egg?
When you get closer to the the egg, the compass will temporarily stop working. It will start tracking again when you are within 100m from the egg.

What are the ranks?
Player ranks start with default, and are able to progress through islander, islander+, VIP, VIP+, MVP and MVP+ though questing, the vote shop, or the store. If this was done through questing, it then opens up the Caveman, Elder, Hero, Explorer, and Hunter quests which do not affect the default ranks.

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